The Journal
Read the latest articles on mental health and the benefits of therapy. Discover curated tools and recommended resources to support you on your journey of self discovery.
What You Don’t Know About Stress, Hormones, and Mood
You already know that feeling exhausted, irritable, or emotionally overwhelmed has both physical and psychological causes and impacts. Here are specific examples grounded in common experiences for women as caregivers, employees, partners as well as straight up being human.
March Break with Less Screen Time: A Parent’s Guide
As a parent and therapist, you might share the competing pressures I feel, including unpredictable March weather. Here are some practical, low-stress strategies for balancing screen time and creating memorable moments with your child.
What Trauma Therapy Is
Let’s explore what trauma therapy is, what might be included, what it means to prioritize safety, and how do you know you’re done?
Two Strategies for Better Connection in Your Marriage
Thriving adult partnerships are built on a foundation of shared emotional investment, clearly communicated agreements, and cultivating rewarding experiences alongside skills for the tougher stuff. In this post, I’m “cutting to the chase” and cruising past my couples therapy philosophy to share two practical strategies specifically designed to strengthen your partnership.
For Teens and Parents: What “Developing Brain” Actually Means
In puberty and adolescence, the brain undergoes the most significant changes of your life … This growth doesn’t complete until about the age of 25, and as puberty revs up, teens’ brains experience “the maturity gap.”
Some of the Gifts of Being Autistic (and It’s Not Knowing Everything About Trains)
Folks on the spectrum help society evolve by challenging norms and reshaping our understanding of what it means to thrive.
Couples Therapy Should Be Re-Named “Relationship Education”
It’s natural to be a little nervous during any therapy consultation, but for couples therapy they can be a little more nervousness inducing because of the popular - but incorrect - impression that couples therapy is for a partnership in crisis. This blog post explores what couples therapy is not and why we believe everyone should do it.
Trauma Therapy Isn’t Just “Telling Your Story”
Trauma therapy is often misunderstood as simply a space to recount painful memories and “telling your story” is taken for evidence of having processed trauma. This is simply not the case - let’s explore trauma responses, how “telling your story” fits differently into each individual’s journey, and where it might fit in a trauma therapy process.
What does Neurodivergent-Affirming Therapy mean? How Current Therapy Approaches for Autistic Adults May Unintentionally Harm
Therapy can unintentionally harm neurodivergent clients; here’s how…
Cultivating Emotional Balance: Worksheet + Video Guidance
A mini workshop on Cultivating Emotional Balance! We use Paul and Eve Ekman's concept of an "emotion timeline" and a discovery worksheet designed by Kathryn Flynn to help you increase your self awareness, gain insight into your experience, and develop mastery over your emotions.
Free Workshops for Parents of Gender Diverse Teens
Sign up for our free workshops for parents or caregivers of gender diverse/trans teenagers. Get the support you need with workshops and therapy in west Ottawa or online in Ontario.
Should I Take Medication for Anxiety?
Considerations for whether to take anti-anxiety medication or not.
Preparing for Parenthood: Key Conversations for Expecting Couples
If you need support having important conversations with your partner before labour and life with a new baby, you can print off a PDF of these vital topics and conversation questions so you feel prepared and on the same page.
What If My Teen Doesn’t Want to Go to Therapy?
It’s normal for teens to express resistance or worries about starting therapy. If you’re a parent of a resistant teen, here’s how you can talk with them about therapy…
7 Tips for Teaching Kids about Money
7 Tips for Teaching Kids About Money. Don’t let this potentially emotional issue prevent you from talking and exploring money with your kids. Set them up for future success with these tips!
What is Brainspotting?
What is Brainspotting? An explanation and introduction of Brainspotting as a compassionate, efficient therapy for trauma and beyond.

Book a Free Consultation
Book a free initial consultation call, so we can discuss your unique journey and guide you to the best fit for your needs